Ch-Ch-Ch Change It

#107: Ch-Ch-Ch-Change It! 

When we were kids, my sister and I used to love watching animated Christmas movies. You know the ones, they ran every year. Frosty the Snowman, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and so many more. But there was one that featured a song that was crazy infectious; it applied to so many situations, was irrefutably basic and true, and just had to be sung. So…we sung it. And not just at Christmas. This song worked so well all year round that we’d sing it until we drove our parents batty. This song was – and is – a brilliant life lesson.

What is this essential piece of wisdom that you simply cannot live a full life without? I’ll give you a hint: it’s all about change. See if you can guess. (Spoiler: I’ll reveal it a little later.)

This week we are taking a leap to the next phase of my change series. So far I’ve shattered the myths, revealed the truths, and prepared you to embrace the discomfort of change. If you’re still with me, you’re ready for the next step: Identifying what the heck you want to change.

Right about now, you’re likely feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let’s face it, you’re a powerhouse and a go-getter and you want it all now. That is…until it’s time to break it down and really assess what that means. Because like most people, there are probably a gazillion things that you want to change…like yesterday!

So I’ma let you in on a little secret in this podcast. A secret that when fully believed and implemented will absolutely liberate you to start effectively creating all the changes you desire. Then I will give you a sneak preview of the surefire four step formula to successfully change anything. And finally, I will give you an exercise that will allow you to hone in on exactly what changes are most important for you right now. Are you ready to Ch-ch-ch-change it?

Betcha thought I’d forgotten about that promise I made earlier, huh? No, ma’am! Here it is:

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